Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World
Explorações Sensíveis, Ambiêcias num Mundo em Mudança
Tonino Griffero is full professor of Aesthetics (Tor Vergata University of Rome) and editor of book series such as "Sensibilia" (Milan), “Atmospheric Spaces” (Milan) and the e-journal “Lebenswelt”.
Recent Books: Atmospheres. Aesthetics of Emotional Spaces, London-New York 2014; Quasi-Things. The Paradigm of Atmospheres, Albany 2017; Places, Affordances, Atmospheres. A Pathic Aesthetics, London-New York 2019; The Atmospheric “We”. Moods and Collective Feelings, Milan 2021; & Michael Arbib, Atmosphere(s) for Architects, Manhattan (Kansas) 2023; Being a Lived Body. From a Neo-Phenomenological Point of View, London-New York 2024.
As co-editor: & G. Moretti, Atmosphere/Atmospheres. Testing a New Paradigm, Milan 2018; & G. Francesetti, Psychopathology and Atmospheres. Neither Inside nor Outside, Newcastle upon Tyne 2019; & M. Tedeschini, Atmospheres and Aesthetics. A Plural Perspective, Basingstoke 2019.
Lisbon, October 8, 2024.
Live broadcast in the congress amphitheater in Rio de Janeiro.
Arquiteta com mestrado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e doutorado em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, tendo efetuado estágio doutoral na McGill University, Montreal, CA. É professora da Escola de Arquitetura da UFMG, onde atua no Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, coordena grupos de pesquisa e orienta trabalhos de pós-graduação. É pesquisadora do CNPq. Dedica-se à pesquisa nas áreas de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, com ênfase em Teoria da Arquitetura, História e Teoria da Cidade, e na relação entre arquitetura e filosofia, tanto estética como política, em especial naquela construída por Walter Benjamin, Guy Debord e Henri Lefevbre, no campo filosófico e por Manfredo Tafuri, no campo arquitetural. Autora do livro Urbano-Constelação.
Rio de Janeiro, October 9, 2024.
Live broadcast in the congress amphitheater in Lisbon.
Sabine Knierbein, European Urban Studies (PhD) and Internationale Urbanistik (PD), is Professor at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, TU Wien, Austria. She also holds a journeywomen’s certificate for landscape gardening. In urban studies, Sabine explores everyday life and urbanization; the political and democracy; disruptive precarity, innovation and crises; and intersectional urban research methodology. She is co-editor of Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe (2014); Public Space and Relational Perspectives: New Challenges for Architecture and Planning (2015); City Unsilenced: Urban Resistance and Public Space in the Age of Shrinking Democracy (2017), Public Space Unbound: Urban Emancipation and the Post-Political Condition (2018), Care and the City: Encounters with Urban Studies (2022) and Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations (2023), all with Routledge. Her monograph “Everyday Life and Urban Studies. Moving With Lefebvre Towards the 21st Century” is currently in preparation (forthcoming 2026, Routledge). In spring 2020, Knierbein was appointed Visiting Professor for Urban Political Geography at the Social Geography Lab (LAGeS, at the Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Arts and Performance (SAGAS) of the University of Florence in Italy, where she has been affiliated as a guest researcher in 2021. In 2022, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Urban Design at Hafen City University Hamburg in Germany while in 2023 she was an Erasmus Guest Researcher at Leuphana University in Lüneburg in Germany. Based on her habilitation treatise entitled “Critique of Everyday Life in the 21st Century. Lived Space and Capitalist Urbanization”, Sabine obtained her venia in “Urban Studies ⁄ Internationale Urbanistik” at the Technische Universität Wien in Austria.
Lisbon, October 10, 2024.
Live broadcast in the congress amphitheater in Rio de Janeiro.
Francesco Careri co-founded in 1995 the practice of Stalker, experiencing actions, research and exhibitions. Since 2005 he is Associate Professor of Urban and Architectural Design in Roma Tre University where he is co-director of the Master Environmental Humanities, and where he runs the Civic Arts course, a peripatetic laboratory grounded in walking explorations of emerging phenomena. His main publications are : Constant's New Babylon, una Città Nomade, Testo & Immagine 2001; Walkscapes. Walking as an Aesthetic Practice, Editorial Gustavo Gili 2002; Pasear, detenerse, Gustavo Gili 2016; Stalker/Campus Rom, Altrimedia 2017 with Lorenzo Romito; Nomadismo Architettura Ospitalità, Bordeaux Edizioni, Roma 2020; C.I.R.C.O. Un immaginario di città ospitale, Bordeaux Edizioni, Roma 2021, with Laboratorio CIRCO, Hospedar-se, Puente, Barcelona 2023.
Rio de Janeiro, October 11, 2024.
Live broadcast in the congress amphitheater in Lisbon.