Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World

In 2024, the 5th International Congress on Ambiances will be held from October 8 to 11 in two universities located in two different countries and on two distinct continents: in Lisbon, Portugal, with Lusófona University, and in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

This conference brings together scientific contributions from academics, practitioners, artists, doctoral students and researchers working on architectural and urban ambiances, drawing on multidisciplinary expertise from fields as diverse as anthropology, architecture, landscape, computer science, cultural studies, design, engineering, geography, musicology, psychology, sociology, urban studies, etc. Together they demonstrate the variety of themes and issues in this field of study, presenting the latest research, projects, and methodological approaches.

By focusing on the sensitive quality of spaces, Ambiances create layers of meaning on a conductive scale that eases the apprehension of everyday life, where the cultural and affective dimensions are translatable by the situated bodily experience, on a macroscopic scale, which intersects diverse cultures, rhythms and knowledge.

The study of Urban Ambiances has shown that the practical, experimental and relational nature of human-urban coexistence is one of the possible ways to overcome the dichotomies and fragilities posed by current dilemmas, such as the difficulty of urban mobility in various metropolises, social asymmetries, territorial conflicts at local level or the lack of public spaces enabling the satisfactory development of everyday life.  At the same time, research into ambiances opens different possibilities for rethinking the way we occupy the world, because ambiances are agents that enable associative forms of sharing public spaces: they intensify social relations and make convivial relations less discordant.

Sensory Explorations

Ambiances in a Changing World

After the Congresses in Grenoble (Creating an Atmosphere, 2008), Montreal (Ambiances in Action, 2012), Volos (Ambiances, Tomorrow: The Future of Ambiances, 2016), and the online 4th edition (Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, 2020), this 5th edition explores the sensory aspects of ambiances in a changing world. 

In its fifth quadrennial congress, the objective is to outline the state of new conceptual, methodological, and practical issues in relation to architectural and urban ambiances. The focus will be open to the contemporary themes of our scientific community, but it also also wishes to welcome and work on new sensory exploration in a world in constant transformation.

The aim is to examine how contemporary environmental, social, technological, political, and ethical changes can interact with sensitive worlds, their environments, bodies, senses, and the ways in which people experience them. The Congress on Ambiances aims to foster a "barn of discussions" on experiences, based on themes that highlight sensitivity and the cultural landscape, urban and micro-urban politics, local arts and interventions, the body and the senses, design strategies, adaptation processes, among others.

The 5th International Congress on Ambiances is organized into thematic sessions, presentations and lectures, exploring current concerns, debates, theories, policy issues and cultural practices in this vast and fascinating area.


The congress is organised by Lusófona University in Lisbon, The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) in Rio de Janeiro with the help of the International Ambiances Network, Scientific and Thematic Network of the French Ministry of Culture.

 This initiative is funded by:



Live broadcast between Lisbon and Rio de janeiro



Mohammed Boubezari


Cristiane Rose Duarte

Ethel Pinheiro

Steering Committee

Mohammed Boubezari, Cristiane Rose Duarte, Damien Masson, Ethel Pinheiro and Nicolas Remy.

Organising Committee


Walber Angeline Neto, Isabel Barbas, Joaquim Borges Martins, Mohammed Boubezari,
Paulo Coutinho, Serkan Can Hatıpoğlu, Ghadir Hummeid, Sílvia Suárez.


Alda Ferreira,  Barbara Thomaz, Cândida Zigoni, Felipe Barros, Fernanda Freitas, Fernando Mathias, Ilana Sancovschi, Katia de Paula, Lígia Castanheira, Nataly Carvalho, Pamela Paris, Sonia Fragozo, Taiane Marcela Alves.

Scientific Committee

Amal ABUDAYA , Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Peter ADEY, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

Pascal AMPHOUX, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Niels ALBERTSEN, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark

Suzel BALEZ, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Olivier BALAŸ, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Giselle Arteiro Nielsen AZEVEDO, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Brazil

Alia BEN AYED, Ecole Nationale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, Laboratoire ERA, Tunisia

Paola BERENSTEIN JACQUES, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil

Arnold BERLEANT, Long Island University, USA

Emeline BAILLY, CSTB, France

Mikkel BILLE, Roskilde University, Denmark

João BORGES DA CUNHA, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal

Anne BOSSE, Laboratoire AAU, Crenau, France

Mohammed BOUBEZARI, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal

Laure BRAYER, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Jose-Luis CARLES, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

Grégoire CHELKOFF, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Carlos SMANIOTTO COSTA, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal

Claude DEMERS, UQAM, Canada

Laurent DEVISME, Laboratoire AAU, Crenau, France

Cristiane Rose DUARTE, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Brazil

Fabiana DULTRA BRITTO, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil

Tim EDENSOR, University of Manchester, UK

Gleice Azambuja ELALI, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Auxiliadora GALVEZ PEREZ, San Pablo C.E.U EPS Faculty of Architecture, Spain

Matthew GANDY, University of Cambridge, UK

Tonino GRIFFERO, University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy

David HOWES, Université Concordia, Canada

Helmi JÄRVILUOMA-MÄKELÄ, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Andrea JELIC, KU Leuven, Belgium

Evelyn Werneck LIMA, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Thomas LEDUC, Laboratoire AAU, Crenau, France

Laurent LESCOP, Laboratoire AAU, Crenau, France

Philippe LIVENEAU, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Théa MANOLA, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Théo MARCHAL, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Damien MASSON, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France

Diogo MATEUS, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal

Olfa MEZIOU, Ecole Nationale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme, Laboratoire ERA, Tunisia

Cybelle Salvador MIRANDA, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil

Cristina PALMESE, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Spain

Evangelia PAXINOU, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Ethel PINHEIRO, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Brazil

Andrea Queiroz REGO, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Brazil

Nicolas REMY, Université de Thessalie, Greece

Luís Cláudio RIBEIRO, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal

Ignacio REQUENA, Laboratoire AAU, Crenau, France

Myriam SERVIERES, Laboratoire AAU, Crenau, France

Luiz de Jesus Dias da SILVA, Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil

Paul SIMPSON, University of Plymouth, UK

Daniel SIRET, Laboratoire AAU, Crenau, France

Aleksandar STANIČIĆ, TU Delft, Holland

Shanti SUMARTOJO, Monash University, Australia

Vera Regina TANGARI, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Brazil

Jean-Paul THIBAUD, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Rachel THOMAS, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Vincent TOURRE, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Nicolas TIXIER, Laboratoire AAU, CRESSON, France

Carolina VASILIKOU, University of Reading, UK

Maísa VELOSO, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Martin WELTON, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Izabella WIECZOREK, University of Reading, UK



L00    Sensory Explorations: Ambiances in a Changing World. 

L03    Architecture and health.

L04    “Art as Document”, Opening Historical Archive to artistic registers in Architecture.

L05    Attuning with the World: Imagining and Making Atmospheres. 

L06    Awakening Urban Terrain Through Translations Across Sensory Atmospheres.

L07    Ecological micro-urbanities. 

L09    Fiction as research. 

L10    Images and the Automation of Sense. 

L11    Immersive experience as a scientific, creative and pedagogical tool.

L12    Instrumentarium of Architectural and Urban Ambiances, Spatialisation of the Sensible in the Project. 

L13    Negative urban atmospheres.

L14    Olfactive Design. The birth of a discipline.

L16    Politicising Ambiances in a Turbulent World. 

L17    Sad atmospheres and despairing cities.

L18    Sensitive approaches in urban-scale project processes. 

L19    Sensory Design and its Management Implications for Art and Tourism Places.

L20    Smell of Nature: Rethinking Scent Ecology in the Post-Pandemic and Climate Change Context. 

L21    Sounds, Cities, Art, and Ecology. 

L23    Teaching the ambient Project.

L24    The fluvial urban landscape - in search of a new urban ambiance for rivers.

L25    The sensory and sensitive identity of Mediterranean cities.  

L27    Thinking ambiances Through Experimentation: A Research and Teaching Resource Through Experience.

L28    When care becomes ambient.

L30    Urban Temporalities between heritage and projection. 

L32    Ambiance et propagations. 

L42    Metabolic Atmospheres. 


R00    Sensory Explorations: Ambiances in a Changing World. 

R31    Ambiance and Artificial Intelligence. 

R33    Ambiances and Displacement. 

R34    Ambiances and social identity.

R36    Beyond the predictable: exploring ambiances in everyday life in cities.

R37    City, Forest – Atmospherics of cultural and environmental activism.

R39    Creative ambiances in public spaces.

R40    Existential corpography.      

R41    Experimentations, drifts and deambulatory poetics.

R43    Insurgent Urban Narratives in/from the Post-Pandemic World.

R44    Spacing out in the city - urban imaginaries and ambiances.

R45    Spatialities of participation: other systems of sensibility between art and architecture. 

R46    Sympathy, vulnerability, and ambiance creation.

R47    The infinite art of Radio.

R49    To speak of oneself is to speak of the world: auto-ethnography, memories and ambiances. 

R50    Urban ambiances and affection: methodological proposals.

R51    Educational virtual environments, ambiance simulation and new forms of interactions in teaching and learning architecture, urbanism and landscaping.  


08 to 11




Consult the forms and  register HERE


Please consult the forms and contact the Workshop Coordinator to register for free.




Prices include access to all congress activities, Wi-Fi areas, opening cocktail, coffee breaks, farewell dinner, digital proceedings.

Prices do not include lunches.

Take a look at the Tutorial  👉

Prices include access to all congress activities, WI-FI areas, the opening cocktail, coffee breaks, closing social event, digital  proceedings.

Prices do not include lunches, extra-congress excursions (optional), and the closing party (optional).

General Guidelines

  • To have your articles published in the Congress Proceedings, at least the first author of each article must make the payment of registration fees within the specified deadlines on the Congress website up to 12/08/2024.
  • One Inscription payment allows to publish up to 2 articles as 1st author. Beyond that, the author will have to pay for a new inscription fare. 
  • Anyone attending the Congress should pay a registration fee.
  • Anyone wishing to attend the congress as an accompanying person must pay the respective registration fee.
  • See templates  (HERE)

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Sensory Explorations, Ambiances in a Changing World